• Yudai Hirose, Satoshi Ono : “Black-box Adversarial Attack against Visual Interpreters for Deep Neural Networks”, MVA 2023, (2023).
  • Rio Kajiura, Satoshi Ono, Takashi Kubota : “Visual SLAM scheme for exploration robots in untextured terrains”, AROB-ISBC-SWARM (2023).
  • Daiki Tamashiro, Koji Yoshimitsu, Satoshi Ono : “An Attempt to Discriminate Health Condition Deterioration Using Heart Rate Variability by Machine Learning”, AROB-ISBC-SWARM (2023).
  • Kento Wakamatsu, Satoshi Ono : “TransUNet with Unified Focal Loss for Class-imbalanced Semantic Segmentation”, AROB-ISBC-SWARM (2023).
  • Tomoki Minamata, Shoma Ishida, Shingo Takeshita, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Hajime Nagahara, Satoshi Ono: "Information Hiding Using a Coded Aperture as a Key", 17th International Conference on Machine Vision Applications, No.O2-3-1 (2021).
  • Jiansheng Liu, Satoshi Ono, Bilan Zhu: "Three-Dimensional Robot Motion Design by Combining Interactive and Non-Interactive Evolutionary Computation for an Intelligent Transformable Phone Robot: BaBi ", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (2021).
  • Rio Kajiura, Satoshi Ono: "A preliminary study on visual SLAM for planetary exploration rovers", 26th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2021) (2021).
  • Yushiro Funoki, Satoshi Ono: "DMNAS: Differentiable Multi-modal Neural Architecture Search", International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (2021).
  • Takahiro Kinoshita, Satoshi Ono: "Depth Estimation from 4D Light Field Videos", International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (2021).
  • Jiansheng Liu, Fujia Sun, Satoshi Ono, Mutsumi Watanabe, Bilan Zhu: "An Intelligent Transformable Phone Robot: BaBi.", International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM2020), pp.368-373 (2020).
  • Yusaku Hayashi, Satoshi Ono: "A study on reconstructing a 3D model from orthographic views using a satisfiability solver", 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2020), pp.36-39 (2020).
  • Shoma Ishida, Satoshi Ono: "Robust adversarial example generation in speech recognition using evolutionary multi-objective optimization", 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2020), pp.327-330 (2020).
  • Yosuke Idenoue, Shogo Hayashi, Ken-ichi Fukui, Shigeki Hosoda, Satoshi Ono: "A study on error detection of ocean observation data by anomaly detection", 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2020), pp.331-334 (2020).
  • Asuka Hisatomi, Hitomi Koba, Kazunori Mizuno, Satoshi Ono:
    "Application of Escher-like Tiling Design to Confectionery Shape
    Design", International Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI2019) (2019).
  • Takahiro Suzuki, Shingo Takeshita, Satoshi Ono: "Adversarial Example Generation using Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization ", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) (2019). (http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.05844)
  • Asuka Hisatomi, Hitomi Koba, Kazunori Mizuno, Satoshi Ono:
    "Escher-like Tiling Design Using Estimation of distribution algorithm", 24th International Symposium on Artificial Life and
    Robotics (AROB 2019), pp.262-265 (2019).
  • Hiroki Hamasaki, Shingo Takeshita, Kentaro Nakai, Toshiki Sonoda, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Hajime Nagahara, Satoshi Ono: "A Coded Aperture for Watermark Extraction from Defocused Images", The 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2018) (2018).
  • Takuto Shigenobu, Takuya Ushinohama, Hiroshi Kawasaki,Satoshi Ono: "Silhouette-based three dimensional image registration using CMA-ES with joint scheme of partial restart and variable fixing", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) , Vol.companion, pp.133-134 (2018).
  • Jun-ichi Matsuoka, Yuki Nakashima, Satoshi Ono: "A Preliminary Study on Designing a Benchmark Problem for Analysis of Sparsely-Synchronized Heterogeneous Coevolution", 2017 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2017), pp.922-929 (2017).
  • Yuki Shiba, Satoshi Ono, Ryo Furukawa, Shinsaku Hiura, Hiroshi Kawasaki: "Temporal shape super-resolution by intra-frame motion encoding using high-fps structured light", The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp.115-123 (2017).
  • Asuka Hisatomi, Hitomi Koba, Makoto Kamizono, Kazunori Mizuno, Satoshi Ono: "Escher-like Tiling Design Using Hierarchical Optimization", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) , Vol.companion, pp.89-90 (2017).
  • Shingo Takeshita, Takeru Maehara, Satoshi Ono: "Digital Watermark Design for Two-dimensional Codes Displayed on Smart Phone Screen Using Multi-objective Optimization and Optical Simulation", 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2017) (2017).
  • Yudai Kuwahata, Jun-ichi Kushida, Satoshi Ono: "A Fundamental Study on Adaptive Surrogate-assisted Evolutionary Computation Using Rank Correlation", 18th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2017) (2017).
  • Kohei Kamizuru, Kazuya Nakamura, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Satoshi Ono: "A belief-propagation-based decoding method for two-dimensional barcodes with monochrome auxiliary lines robust against non-uniform geometric distortion", 13th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (QCAV2017) (2017).
  • Wasin Kalintha, Satoshi Ono, Masayuki Numao, Ken-ichi Fukui:
    "Kernelized Evolutionary Distance Metric Learning for Semi-supervised Clustering", 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Student Abstract and Poster Program (2017).
  • Shogo Hayashi, Satoshi Ono, Shigeki Hosoda, Masayuki Numao, Ken-ichi Fukui: "Error Detection of Ocean Depth Series Data with Area Partitioning and Using Sliding Window", IEEE 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2016) (2016).
  • Yosuke Kamikawaji, Haruki Matsuyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, Shigeki Hosoda, Satoshi Ono: "Decision Tree-based Feature Function Design in Conditional Random Field Applied to Error Detection of Ocean Observation Data", 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2016) (2016).
  • Ryusuke Sagawa, Yuki Shiba, Takuto Hirukawa, Satoshi Ono, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Ryo Furukawa: "Automatic feature extraction using CNN for robust active one-shot scanning", 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (2016).
  • Wasin Kalintha, Satoshi Ono, Masayuki Numao, Ken-ichi Fukui:
    "Integrating Class Information and Features in Cluster Analysis based on Evolutionary Distance Metric Learning", the 19th Asia Pacific Symposium of Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES), pp.165-181 (2016).
  • Keiko Hori, Takanori Matsui, Satoshi Ono, Kenichi Fukui, Takashi Hasuike, Takashi Machimura : "Development and Application of a Multi-Objective Optimization Tool for Renewable Energy Mix in Municipalities", The 12th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance, pp.548-561 (2016).
  • Makoto Kamizono, Kigo Shimomura, Masayuki Tajiri, Satoshi Ono: "Two-Dimensional Barcode Decoration Using Module-wise Non-systematic Coding and Cooperative Evolution by User and System", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) , pp.245-252 (2016).
  • Wasin Kalintha, Taishi Megano, Satoshi Ono, Ken-ichi Fukui, Masayuki Numao: "Cluster Analysis of Face Images and Literature Data by Evolutionary Distance Metric Learning", Thirty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII, pp.301-315 (2015).
  • Kazuya Nakamura, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Satoshi Ono: "Agent-based Two-dimensional Barcode Decoding Robust against Non-uniform Geometric Distortion", The 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR), pp.181-186 (2015).
  • Hiroshi Kawasaki, Yuki Horita, Yuki Shiba, Satoshi Ono, Ryo Furukawa, Shinsaku Hiura: "Active oneshot scan for wide depth range using a light-field projector based on coded aperture", International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) (2015).
  • Takeru Maehara, Ryo Ikeda, Satoshi Ono: "Digital Video Watermark Optimization for Detecting Replicated Two-Dimensional Barcodes", The 14th International Workshop on Digital-forensics and Watermarking (IWDW), Digital-Forensics and Watermarking, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9569 2016 (2015).
  • Satoshi Ono, Haruki Matsuyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, Shigeki Hosoda: "Error Detection of Oceanic Observation Data Using Sequential Labeling", the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) (2015).
  • Kohei Kamizuru, Yudai Kawakami, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Satoshi Ono: "Belief-Propagation-Based Robust Decoding for Two-Dimensional Barcodes to Overcome Distortion and Occlusion and Its Extension to Multi-View Decoding", International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.2359-2363 (2015).
  • Yudai Mido, Yuki Horita, Kentaro Nakai, Taishi Megano, Satoshi Ono and Hiroshi Kawasaki: "A Fundamental Study on Coded Aperture Design for Depth from Projector Defocus based on Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization", The 7-th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS), pp.223-227 (2015).
  • Hiroki Morinaga, Satoshi Ono, Ryo Furukawa, Hiroshi Kawasaki: "Optimal Pattern for One-Shot 3D Scan Using Grid Structure with Spatial Encoding Method", The 1st International Conference on Advanced Imaging, Vol., No., pp.- (2015).
  • Hiroshi Nakamura, Satoshi Ono: "Suggestion-based Interactive Video Digest Design by User-System Cooperative Evolution", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pp.2207-2214 (2015).
  • Taishi Megano, Ken-ichi Fukui, Masayuki Numao, Satoshi Ono: "Evolutionary Multi-objective Distance Metric Learning for Multi-label Clustering", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pp.2945-2952 (2015).
  • Kentaro Nakai, Takeru Maehara, Ryo Ikeda, and Satoshi Ono: "Watermark Embedding end Extraction Scheme Design by Two-Stage Optimization for Illegal Replication Detection of Two-dimensional Barcodes", 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Vol.3, pp.201-208 (2015).
  • Kazunari Minami, Yuki Shiba, Satoshi Ono: "Watermark Extraction Algorithm Design by Graph-Based Genetic Algorithm for Detecting Illegally Replicated Two-Dimensional Barcodes", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB) , pp.438-443 (2015).
  • Shota Eguchi, Yuki Matsugano, Hirokazu Sakaguchi, Satoshi Ono, Hisato Fukuda, Ryo Furukawa, and Hiroshi Kawasaki: "A Comparative Study on Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithms for Test Functions and a Real-World Problem", Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference (LION), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Vol.8994, pp.131-136 (2015).
  • Hiroshi Nakamura, Satoshi Ono: "Video Summarization Support by Interactive Evolutionary Computation", Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS), pp.48-53 (2014).
  • Takeru Maehara, Kentaro Nakai, Ryo Ikeda, Koutaro Taniguchi, Satoshi Ono: "Watermark Design of Two-Dimensional Barcodes on Mobile Phone Display by Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization", Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS), pp.149-154 (2014).
  • Satoshi Ono, Megumi Kisanuki, Hirofumi Machii, Kazunori Mizuno: "Creation Support for Escher-Like Tiling Patterns by Interactive Genetic Algorithms", SIGGRAPH Asia (2014).
  • Takeru Maehara, Ryo Ikeda, Satoshi Ono: "A Fundamental study on Digital Video Watermarking for Two-Dimensional Barcodes Displayed on Mobile Phone Screens", 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Trends in Innovative Computing, Vol., No., pp.7-8 (2014).
  • Satoshi Ono, Haruki Matsuyama, Ken-ichi Fukui, Shigeki Hosoda: "A Preliminary Study on Quality Control of Oceanic Observation Data by Machine Learning Methods", the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium of Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES), Vol.1, pp.679-693 (2014).
  • Satoshi Ono, Megumi Kisanuki, Hirofumi Machii, Kazunori Mizuno: "Figure Pattern Creation Support for Escher-Like Tiling by Interacitive Genetic Algorithms", the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium of Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems (IES), Vol.1, pp.421-432 (2014).
  • Takuya Ushinohama, Yosuke Sawai, Satoshi Ono, Hiroshi Kawasaki: "Simultaneous Entire Shape Registration of Multiple Depth Images Using Depth Difference and Shape Silhouette", The 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), No.O2-8 (2014).
  • Rina Yonekura, Yasuhiro Akagi, Satoshi Ono, Yukiko Kawai, Hiroshi Kawasaki: "Navigation System which Uses Visibility Map of Landmarks to Reduce Reference Count of the Map", the Fourth International Workshop on Image Electronics and Visual Computing (IEVC) (2014).
  • Satoshi Ono, Yudai Kawakami, Hiroshi Kawasaki, Shisuke Fujita: "A Two-Dimensional Barcode with Robust Decoding against Distortion and Occlusion for Automatic Recognition of Garbage Bags", 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp.2879-2884 (2014).
  • Satoshi Ono, Takeru Maehara, Kentaro Nakai, Ryo Ikeda, Koutaro Taniguchi: "Semi-Fragile Watermark Design for Detecting Illegal Two-Dimensional Barcodes by Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) , companion, pp.175-176 (2014).
  • Ken-Ichi Fukui, Satoshi Ono, Taishi Megano, Masayuki Numao: "Evolutionary Distance Metric Learning Approach to Semi-Supervised Clustering with Neighbor Relations", 25th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), pp.398-403 (2013).
  • Satoshi Ono, Takeru Maehara, Hirokazu Sakaguchi, Daisuke Taniyama, Ryo Ikeda, Shigeru Nakayama: "Self-Adaptive Niching Differential Evolution and Its Application to Semi-Fragile Watermarking for Two-Dimensional Barcodes on Mobile Phone Display", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), companion, pp.189-190 (2013).
  • Megumi Kisanuki, Satoshi Ono, Hirofumi Machii, Kazunori Mizuno and Shigeru Nakayama: "Escher-Like Tiling Pattern Design by Interactive Iterative Genetic Algorithm", NICOGRAPH International, Vol., No., pp.- (2013).
  • Hiroshi Kawasaki , Yuki Horita , Hitoshi Masuyama , Satoshi Ono, Makoto Kimura, Yasuo Takane: "Optimized Aperture for Estimating Depth from Projector’s Defocus", Third Joint 3DIM/3DPVT Conference, pp.135-142 (2013).
  • Satoshi Ono, Ryota Morishige, Shigeru Nakayama: "A Fundamental Study on the Effectiveness of Immune Algorithm for Multi-Objective 0/1 Knapsack Problem", The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS-ISIS), pp.1660-1665 (2012).
  • Hiroshi Kawasaki, Yuki Horita, Hiroki Morinaga, Yuuki Matugano, Makoto Kimura, Yasuo Takane, Satoshi Ono: "Coded Aperture for Projector and Camera for Robust 3d Measurement", 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp.1487-1491 (2012).
  • Hiroshi Kawasaki , Yuuki Horita , Hiroki Morinaga , Yuuki Matugano, Satoshi Ono, Makoto Kimura , Yasuo Takane: "STRUCTURED LIGHT WITH CODED APERTURE FOR WIDE RANGE 3D MEASUREMENT", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp.2777-2780 (2012).
  • Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "User-System Cooperative Evolution for Japanese Anagram Sentence Generation", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), companion, pp.1529-1530 (2012).
  • Satoshi Ono, Kiyomasa Sakimoto, Shigeru Nakayama: "A generation alternation model for user-system cooperative evolutionary computation", Interyantional Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB), pp.847-850 (2012).
  • Satoshi Ono, Hiroshi Maeda, Kiyomasa Sakimoto, Shigeru Nakayama: "Optimizing Quantitative and Qualitative Objectives by User-System Cooperative Evolutionary Computation for Image Processing Filter Design", The 16th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC16) (2011).
  • Mohamed El-fiky, Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Study on Speeding Up of Adiabatic Quantum Computation in Satisfiability Problems", 10th Asian Conference on Quantum Information Science (AQIS), pp.139-140 (2011).
  • Mohamed El-fiky, Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Study on discrete adiabatic quantum computation in 3-SAT problems", Interyantional Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB), pp.649-652 (2011).
  • Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "A System for Decorating QR Code with Facial Image Based on Interactive Evolutionary Computation and Case-Based Reasoning", Second World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC), pp.408-413 (2010).
  • Mohamed El-fiky, Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Discrete Adiabatic Quantum Computation with Quadric Variation", Second World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC), pp.593-597 (2010).
  • Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Fusion of Interactive and Non-Interactive Evolutionary Computation for Two-Dimensional Barcode Decoration", IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), pp.2570-2577 (2010).
  • Satoshi Ono, Takayuki Oshige, Shigeru Nakayama: "A Multi-Agent-Based Approach for Furniture Arrangement", Internantional Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB) , pp.869-872 (2010). (Best Paper Award)
  • Satoshi Ono, Ryuji Miyamoto, Shigeru Nakayama, Kazunori Mizuno: "Difficulty Estimation of Number Place Puzzle and Its Problem Generation Support", ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference (ICCAS-SICE), pp.4542-4547 (2009).
  • Mohamed El-Fiky, Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Study on Quantum Heuristic Search in an NP-Hard Problem", ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference (ICCAS-SICE), pp.2550-2555 (2009).
  • Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Robust Optimization and Its Hybridization with Gradient Search", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pp.1629-1636 (2009).
  • Satoshi Ono, Yohei Yoshitake, Shigeru Nakayama: "Robust Optimization Using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB), pp.381-384 (2009). (Young Author Award)
  • Takehiko Iwakawa, Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Development of Programming Language Espace and Its Application to Parallel and Distributed Evolutionary Computation", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB), pp.369-372 (2009).
  • Satoshi Ono, Yusuke Hirotani, Shigeru Nakayama: "A Memetic Algorithm for Robust Optimal Solution Search --- Hybridization of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm and Quasi-Newton Method", International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII), pp.120-120 (2008).
  • Kenji Aoki, Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Visual Simulation and Psychological Experiment of Muller Lyer Visual Illusion", International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII), pp.135-135 (2008).
  • Warangkhana Ngenkaew, Satoshi Ono, Shigeru Nakayama: "Pheromone-Based Concept in Ant Clustering", 3rd International Conference on Intelligent System and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE), pp.308-312 (2008).
  • Satoshi Ono, Kensuke Morinaga, Shigeru Nakayama: "Animated Two-Dimensional Barcode Generation Using Optimization Algorithms", Joint 4th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 9th International Symposium on advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS), pp.1232-1237 (2008).
  • Ramon Iriarte, Shigeru Nakayama, Satoshi Ono: "A Collaborative Learning Experience supported by MOODLE", The Second International Symposium on Educational Cooperation for Industrial Technology Education, pp.93-106 (2008).
  • Satoshi Ono, Kensuke Morinaga, Shigeru Nakayama: "Two-dimensional Barcode Decoration Based on Real-coded Genetic Algorithm", the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI), pp.1068-1073 (2008).
  • Ichiro Iimura and Shigeru Nakayama: "Study on Immune Algorithm with Helical Crossover in Job-shop Scheduling Problem" International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'08) Gold Coast, Australia, March 6-8, pp.439-442(2008年3月) http://www.risp.jp/NCSP08/
  • Ichiro Iimura and Shigeru Nakayama: "Evaluation of Queen Ant Strategy with Memory in Ant Colony Optimization" International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP'08) Gold Coast, Australia, March 6-8, pp.435-438(2008年3月) http://www.risp.jp/NCSP08/
  • Ono, S., Morinaga, K., Nakayama, S.: "Barcode Design by Evolutionary Computation", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 13th '08), (2008年1月). http://arob.cc.oita-u.ac.jp/
  • Kurose, M., Imabeppu, T., Ono, S., Nakayama, S.: "Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Number Partitioning Problem", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 13th '08), (2008年1月). http://arob.cc.oita-u.ac.jp/
  • Serag, A., Ono, S., Nakayama, S.: "Using Interactive Evolutionary Computation to Generate Creative Building Designs", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 13th '08), (2008年1月). http://arob.cc.oita-u.ac.jp/
  • Ichiro Iimura, Ryo Hirami, Yoshifumi Moriyama, and Shigeru Nakayama: "Helical Crossover Method in Immune Algorithm: A Case for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem" Proc. of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control, Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA, No.592-180pp.263-268 (2007年11月) http://www.iasted.org/conferences/pastinfo-592.html http://www.actapress.com/Abstract.aspx?paperId=32165
  • Warangkhana NGENKAEW, Satoshi ONO, and Shigeru NAKAYAMA "Ant-Based Clustering With Multiple Deposited Pheromones And Simple Ant Memory" Proc. of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control Cambridge,Massachusetts,USA, No.592-168pp.- (2007年11月) http://www.iasted.org/conferences/pastinfo-592.html http://www.actapress.com/Abstract.aspx?paperId=32163
  • Casco, R. A. I., Nakayama, S., Ono, S., Miyakawa, H.: "Optimizing Virtual Learning Environments for Effective Educational Experiences", 15th International Conference on Computers in Education, Doctoral Student Consortium (ICCE2007) (2007年11月).
  • Ono, S., Hirotani, Y., Shigeru Nakayama: "Multiple Solution Search Based on Hybridization of Real-Coded Evolutionary Algorithm and Quasi-Newton Method", IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (2007年10月).
  • Ono, S., Hirotani, Y., Shigeru Nakayama: "A Hybrid Algorithm of Immune Algorithm and Gradient Search for Multiple Solution Search", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2007), C26-01, ICICIC-2007-2252, Kumamoto, Japan (2007年9月).
  • Ichiro Iimura and Shigeru Nakayama: "Consideration on Stimulative Processing for Queen Ant Strategy in Swarm Intelligence", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2007), C26-01, ICICIC-2007-2252, Kumamoto, Japan (2007年9月).
  • Ngenkaew, W., Ono, S., Nakayama, S.: "Multiple Pheromone Deposition in Ant-based Clustering as an Ant Foraging Concept", The IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science and Technology (ACST 2007) (Phuket, THAILAND), pp.432-436(2007年4月). http://www.actapress.com/Abstract.aspx?paperId=30208
  • Ono, S., Yamasaki, T., and Nakayama, S.: "Adaptive Knowledge Base Using Rules and Cases and its Application to Japanese-to-Braille Translation", WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, Issue 2, Volume 2, pp.199-206 (2007年2月).
  • Ono, S., Yamasaki, T., Nakayama, S.: "Rule- and Case-Based Adaptive Knowledge Base and Its Application to Japanese-to-Braille Translation", Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '07), pp.96-101(2007年2月).
  • Ono, S., Yamasaki, T., Nakayama, S.: "Adaptive Knowledge Base for Japanese-to-Braille Translation", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 12th '07), pp.685-688 (2007年2月). http://arob.cc.oita-u.ac.jp/
  • Imabeppu, T., Nakayama, S., Ono, S.: "A Study of Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Pair Swap", International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 12th '07), pp.732-735 (2007年2月). http://arob.cc.oita-u.ac.jp/
  • Ichiro Iimura, Toshiya Ito, Shigeru Nakayama: "A Study of Stimulative Queen Ant Strategy in Ant Colony Optimization Method", Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT2006), Taipei, Taiwan (2006年12月)
  • Shigeru Nakayama, Takaaki Imabeppu, and Satoshi Ono "Pair Swap Strategy in Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2006), Seattle, Washington, USA, July 8-12, 2006.(2006年7月) http://www.sigevo.org/gecco-2006/index.html
  • Adam Serag, Satoshi Ono, and Shigeru Nakayama: "Development of Architecture Design Inspiration Tool by Evolutionary Computation", International Conference on Social Intelligence Design 2006 (March 24-26, 2006, Osaka)
  • Kazuhiro Takeda, Satoshi Ono, Christopher J. Ashley and Shigeru Nakayama: "JSGrid An Environment for Heterogenous Cluster Computing", No.2090609411,pp.507-512, The 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, Dalian, China, 5-8 December (2005) http://www.jaist.ac.jp/pdcat05/technical.htm
  • Ichiro Iimura, Toshiya Ito, Koji Hamaguchi and Shigeru Nakayama: "A Study of Distributed Parallel Processing for Queen Ant Strategy in Ant Colony Optimization", No. 3100605320, pp.553-557, The 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, Dalian, China, 5-8 December (2005) http://www.jaist.ac.jp/pdcat05/technical.htm
  • Gang Peng, Takeshi Nakatsuru, Ichiro Iimura and Shigeru Nakayama: "Efficiency of Local Genetic Algorithm in Parallel Processing", No.3010605345,pp.621-623, The 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, Dalian, China, 5-8 December (2005) http://www.jaist.ac.jp/pdcat05/technical.htm
  • Peng Gang, Takeshi Nakatsuru, and Shigeru Nakayama "Discussions on LGA with Parallel System", Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2005), Washington, DC, June 25 - 29 (2005) http://isgec.org/gecco-2005/lbp.htm
  • J. P. Home, B.C.Keith, D. M. Lucas., M. J. McDonnell, S. Nakayama, A. Ramos, M. Sasura, J.-P. Stacey, S. C. Webster, D. N. Stacey, and A. M. Steane, "Trapped calcium ions for quantum information experiments", Proceedings of the Workshop on Trapped Ion Quantum Computing, Michigan, USA (2004) http://monroelab2.physics.lsa.umich.edu/TIQCworkshop/proceedings.html
  • S. Ono, T. Izumi, A. Fujiyama, C. Ashley, S. Nakayama "Interior coordination using case-based reasoning and constraitn satisfaction paradigm", 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Singapore December 1-3 (2004)
  • Peng Gang, Ichiro Iimura, Hidenobu Tsurusawa and Shigeru Nakayama "Genetic Local Search Based on Genetic Recombination: A Case for Traveling Salesman Problem", The 5th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, Singapore, 8-10 December (2004)
  • IImura, I., Gang, P., and Nakayama, S.: "Noah's Ark Strategy for Avoidance of Excess Convergence by Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Object-shared Space", Proc. of The Fourth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (Chengdu, China), pp.527 (2003)
  • Gang, P., IImura, I., and Nakayama, S.: "Multiple Heuristic Search in Genetic Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem", The Eighth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Late-Breaking Papers (Chicago, Illinois, USA), pp.88 (2003)
  • Gang, P.,IImura, I., and Nakayama, S.: "A Multiple Heuristic Search Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem", Proc. of The Fourth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (Chengdu, China), pp.779 (2003)
  • Home, J. P., Lucas, D. M., McDonnell, M. J., Nakayama, S., Ramos, A., Stacey, J.-P., Webster, S. C., Stacey, D. N., and Steane, A. M. "Trapped Calcium Ions for Quantum Information Experiments", The 4th European QIPC Workshop. OxfordUK, 65 (2003)
  • Yuizono, T., Wang, Yu, Satoh, K., and Nakayama, S.: "Study on Individual Recognition for Ear Images by using Genetic Local Search", Proc. of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC'02, pp.237-242 (2002)
  • S. Nishi, T. Yuizono, K. Mori, S. Nakayama: "Fast calculation of computer-generated Fresnel hologram utilizing distriuted parallel processing and array operation", Proceedings of the 19th Congress of the ICO, part 2, pp. 557-558 (2002).
  • Tsurusawa, H., and Nakayama, S.: "Speeding-up and Persistency of Prime Factorization in the Elliptic Curve Method with Object-shared space and Database" Proc. Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/Distributed Computing (Nagoya),pp.1007 (2001)